Tuesday 30 September 2014

ACES WEEKLY reaches its 2nd birthday

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the launch of Aces Weekly, the all-new digital anthology comic weekly published by David Lloyd. Over the past two years it has featured numerous contributors and many new strips, including two all-new full colour Combat Colin three pagers that I did exclusively for the comic. (Volume 1, No.1 and Volume 8, No.7.) 

If you still haven't subscribed to Aces Weekly, why not give it a go? At just £6.99 per 7 issue volume it's a bargain, and you'd be supporting British comics. For those of you "waiting for the print version", - there are no plans to do this as print/distribution costs for such a professional comic would be unfeasible. Visit the Aces Weekly website here:

Or if you'd prefer to buy it on ComiXology, the first four volumes are available to buy here:

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